Learn to Lead

Learn to Lead
Learn to Lead
Learn to Lead
Learn to Lead

Learn to Lead Course

Learning to lead your own rock climbs is one of the biggest steps for a climber, and working with your instructor it will be one which is an exciting and enjoyable experience. Our experienced mountaineering instructors will ensure your course is matched to your individual aims and objectives.

This course will get you leading your own rock climbs safely and independently, it normally runs over two to four days.

It runs on an instructor to student ratio of 1:2, this ratio allows you to get plenty of time climbing and hands on personalised coaching.

We are based in Dundee with great access to a variety of cliffs from multi-pitch mountain crags to single pitch sea cliffs, allowing us to take advantage of the weather and your own objectives.

Our course starts with re-visiting the core skills to keep you are your partner safe, looking at ropework, belaying, communication and planning your climb. During this time we will also look at placing natural protection such as nuts and cams. Then linking these skills to get you building solid, safe belays.

The course content and how we progress to leading will vary on each course depending on your aims and objectives. Often your instructor will be alongside you coaching you during your leading and assisting as required. These first few leads having an instructor next to you gives you the confidence to enjoy your first leads while learning new skills.

The course content

  • Finding a climb from a guidebook
  • ‘Racking up’ the importance of choosing the correct harness and equipment that you will use to protect the climb
  • Core skills – efficient rope work, safe belay skills, knots, plaving ‘bomber’ gear, communication
  • Building belays – safe and efficient
  • Placing protection – Cams, Nuts, Hex’s, and Slings
  • Planning your climb – hazards, stance selection, metal preparation
  • Approaching and descending from a crag
  • Abseiling – Planned and in retreat

All equipment for the course can be provided, but if you have any of your own equipment bring it along.

Contact Us

If you would like more information please email ancrum.centre@leisureandculturedundee.com