We know long reams of Ts & Cs are dull as dishwater but hopefully these bite size chunks can make it a bit more manageable. Click on the section headings to see the detail you want, remember your participation assumes you've read the lot!
- Bookings - How you know you are confirmed
A booking will only be deemed to have been made upon our receipt of the agreed payment, whereupon you will receive a booking confirmation from us. All bookings are deemed to be within the Scottish legal jurisdiction.
- Payment terms - Scheduled (open) courses
All scheduled (open) courses are to be fully paid up at the time of booking.
- Payment terms - Private bookings
All privately arranged courses must be fully paid prior to the event / session date. A secure online payment request will be issued for the total amount following your booking request, and will be confirmed upon receipt of full payment of booking.
If your booking is of significant value or requires a significant resource commitment on behalf of Ancrum Outdoor Centre, we reserve the right to vary this policy on a case by case basis, in any event we will agree with you our position before we accept your booking request.
- Our Staff - Qualified professionals
Only fully competent and qualified staff will work with our clients, where freelance staff are used they are known to us and are suitably qualified and experienced in the activity area to be delivered. All staff will hold a valid first aid qualification. Additionally, all staff will be fully insured for any activities provided and will work within the scope and remit of their qualifications.
- Duty of care - Both ours and yours
Due to the nature of the activities we owe a duty of care to you, however you also have a duty to protect your own safety and that of others. With this in mind, you accept that our instructors using their professional judgement may ask you to do things in the interests of ensuring the safety of yourself or others. The reasons behind these instructions may not always be obvious to you, and our staff cannot be held responsible for accidents or injuries as a result of not following these instructions or requests. If you do not follow the requests and instructions of staff you are deemed to have revoked our duty of care to you and you will be solely responsible for any consequences of your actions after this point. Furthermore, our staff may at their discretion, physically intervene where they believe there is an imminent risk to life or limb.
If you book on behalf of others you have a duty of care to ensure those parties have the full information on the risks and requirements upon them, you agree to present them with a copy of these terms of business and inform them that their attendance is subject to them agreeing to be bound by these terms, particularly so the notification of medical / behavioural conditions.
- Children and vulnerable adults
All of our outdoor activities may include children / vulnerable adults, however, there ability to participate should be subject to a risk assessment being undertaken which may highlight the need to have a responsible adult present and be capable to provide necessary support as required.
Any staff working with children or vulnerable adults (in absence of a parent, leader, teacher etc) on our sessions will be a member of the new Disclosure Scotland PVG scheme. Where the customer is under 18 years of age parental consent will be required in order to allow participation in the activity.
- Equipment required - What we provide, and what you need to bring
Your instructor will provide any necessary group technical or safety equipment required for the activity, however, you are required to provide your own personal clothing, food and some basic personal kit which may be required. You will be provided with a kit list after booking, and your instructor will refuse to accept anyone lacking the appropriate kit where it could affect your or the group's safety. This is particularly the case on winter mountain activities where inappropriate boots (i.e. not B1 rated or above) will be deemed a safety risk and client will not be able to safely participate. In such circumstances our lead instructor may refuse participation on these terms and refund will not be allowed.
Please get in touch if you are unsure as to what kit you need, for advice on what to purchase or even just a query as to the suitability of your existing equipment. If you let us know in advance, it may be that we can source some kit for you if you are having trouble. Kit issues can rarely be sorted on the day.
- Medical and behavioural conditions - Having one of these wont exclude you, we just need to know
Most of us have something wrong with us from mild excema to having a major heart condition, however few conditions preclude involvement in the activities we offer. We require you to disclose to us in advance, any medical/behavioural conditions which may affect you or the rest of the group involvement in the activity. This is not to exclude you but to best include you and to ensure we are able to anticipate and avoid or deal with any issues that may arise. It is essential that all relevant conditions, no matter how minor, are disclosed. You must also have any medication you require with you on the activity e.g. inhalers and epi-pens etc.
- Fitness
The very nature of adventure activities require you to certify that you are in good (well, lets say sufficient) physical and mental health to able to take part in the activity they are subscribing to. You should be aware that all activities involve a certain level of fitness to participate on open dates; details will be listed during the booking process. If you are not sure what the fitness requirement is for a particular course date, or worried you may not be up to the required standard, it is your responsibility to ask the question before booking.
If you are deemed by our guides as having insufficient fitness to complete the itinerary without significantly adversely impacting on other clients experience our guide has the discretion to refuse to allow you to participate in the activity or curtail it. If your participation is refused on this basis, no monies paid will be refunded.
- Booking and itinerary changes
We strive to provide a quality service and fulfil your booking as agreed where possible. Due to the nature of the activities we offer, we reserve the right to alter the itinerary and activities provided at anytime without advanced notice.
Your safety is our priority and it is sometimes necessary to use our professional judgement, and where possible to modify our planned objective. This is particularly relevant with regard to mountain activities where factors such as bad weather or insufficient client fitness are likely to adversely affect the achievement of the objective, typical alterations are often a less ambitious goal or a hill in a different area. It is important to appreciate that our activities happen in a dynamic environment and by being flexible we can often ensure a better experience.
- Cancellation
We reserve the right to cancel booked activities at our discretion. If we are forced to do so (typically due to adverse weather conditions or staff illness), we will try and give you as much notice as possible, and work with you to attempt to find a suitable alternative, or if not we will offer a full refund. However, we cannot be held responsible for any other losses such as travel or accommodation costs that you may have incurred due to cancellation of your activity and recommend cancellation insurance, indeed it would also be wise to have this cover you if you are unable to attend for any reason.
Instructors may curtail an activity at their discretion, typically this is due to factors outwith their control such as weather; where the day is shortened from the planned itinerary due to worsening conditions. No refunds will be offered for curtailment except for unused days of a multi-day booking. You choose to curtail your involvement in an activity for any reason at any time, provided your instructor agrees and deems it safe to do so. If you choose to curtail your involvement in an activity against instructor advice, you agree you are no longer under their duty of care and that your safety is no longer their concern.
All customers are advised to take out personal injury insurance due to the risks associated with your participation in adventurous sports, this can help with additional expenses incurred resulting from an injury. Additionally, cancellation insurance is potentially a wise investment to protect yourself in case you are unable to attend your course.
If you wish to cancel a booking for any reason:
- >2 calendar months in advance of your initial date; you receive 100% refund,
- Between 1 and 2 months; you receive 50% refund
- <1 month; you receive no refund