Lowland Leader Award Training (LLA) - Age 18yrs+
Ancrum Outdoor Centre in Dundee is an approved provided for this course. This award is for anyone who wishes to lead groups through lowland countryside and woodland in summer conditions. It is ideal for teachers, schools support workers, community workers, youth workers, countryside rangers or anybody who may wish to lead a walking group.
The Award follows similar structure of all MT awards and requires candidates to:
Gain relevant experience, register for award through Mountain Training, attend a training course, consolidate training and attend an assessment course
Syllabus includes: Route planning, basic map work, equipment, dealing with hazards, leadership and group management, environmental access awareness
This qualification also offers expedition module, which is ideal for leaders and volunteers involved with the Duke of Edinburgh award scheme (DofE)
You must have completed 10 walks in lowland areas using a map
Register for award through Mountain Training
Location - Clatto Visitor's Centre, Clatto Country Park DD3 9SE. Please bring packed lunch and plenty to drink.
To book a space on this course, click the link below. If you have previously registered with Leisure & Culture's Connect system and have a password, please use these log-in details. If you are a NEW customer, register for Pay as You Go. Alternatively call into the centre during office hours.