Mountain Biking

Mountain Biking
Mountain Biking
Mountain Biking
Mountain Biking

Mountain Biking Courses

Mountain Biking has steadily grown to be one of the most popular outdoor activities in the UK. Why not book on to one of our mountain biking courses and join in on all the fun? Our expert instructors shall discuss your expectations on the day and get a feel for your ability and then tailor make a session for you in one of the many spectacular venues we use. Our mountain bike advertised courses are graded between beginner, intermediate and advanced to accommodate all abilities.  Anyone wishing to book a private party for this activity would require a minimum of 5 people.

Equipment and Kit Information

We provide a variety of 'specialised' mountain bikes which perform well on any terrain. We also equip you with a helmet, gloves, waterproofs and carrysack for your journey. If our listed course dates do not suit then Ancrum Outdoor Centre can tailor a mountain bike course for you and your group but minimum numbers will apply.

Contact Us

If you would like more information please email or call Ancrum Outdoor Centre on 01382 435911.