UK MBLS Level 2 Training Course
The Level 2 Mountain Bike Leadership Award is the entry point for most aspirant mountain bike leaders, enabling qualified leaders to use their experience to safely guide others on off-road terrain. The award is ideal for anyone with experience in mountain biking, who is either working in the outdoor sector, volunteering at a club or simply has a personal interest in gaining additional skills. These skills can be used to go out on a mountain bike, be safe and have fun.
Following registration for the award, learners book a two-day training course with a British Cycling accredited provider. A one-day practical assessment will follow after a consolidation period agreed with your tutor. This allows sufficient time for you to hone all those new skills and knowledge you have obtained during training.
Course Content
The course covers a wide variety of topics including:
- planning and delivery of appropriate rides or your group
- leading techniques for effective group management
- map reading and navigation for a flowing journey
- management of accidents and emergency situations
- equipment set-up and trailside repairs
- core mountain bike techniques.
Contact Us
If you would like more information please email ancrum.centre@leisureandculturedundee.com